The Fitness Queen

Strong body, strong mind…

Meet the Queen of Fitness. All muscle. All love. All in…all the time! Let’s just say beast mode is her default. On a low energy day, she’s a 10 out of 10. Oh, and by the way, she just gave birth…to the cutest little bundle ever. And don’t you for one second think that she let motherhood slow her down. In fact, she brings her bambino along for the ride. With a baby sling tied around her, this Queen is doing some deep squats to ensure that progress never lingers. 

So, I had to ask her … will you share your juicy fitness secrets with us? Uncensored. Brutally honest. Showing up for you. Showing up for me. Coach Mary Boccia agreed to impart the wisdom that she gained over years as an athlete, gymnast, trainer, and nutrition specialist with us! And as a wife and mom who pushes through all the daily struggles like the rest of us … she knows a thing or two about the grind! Let’s get moving …

Coach Mary, what are 3 things to look for in a good trainer? 

  1. Engagement – A trainer is engaged if they are actively watching your work, correcting you, motivating you, and being positive. The job is two-fold – a trainer should be making you feel great both physically and mentally! 

2. Honesty – A trainer should be honest about how long it takes to attain your goal and how hard it’s going to be to get there. 

3. Chemistry – When you try a personal trainer for the first time, there should be positive vibes only. If after the first session you don’t want to continue, then don’t. You’re in charge. Part of the chemistry is finding a trainer who you want to emulate.

What are 3 affirmations to say to yourself while working out? 

  1. I am as strong as I want to be. 

2. Pain is temporary.

3. This is 1% of my entire day, I know I can do this.

Any suggestions for full-time working moms who feel like they don’t have time for a workout?

Scheduling is difficult, but here’s the deal…if you want to do it, you’ll make the time. Working out isn’t always fun, but being consistent will change your body. Sometimes waking up earlier or going to bed later is the choice you have to make in order to get a workout in. Make sure the people around you support your fitness goals. Don’t put yourself on the back burner. Taking time for yourself builds up self-confidence. 

Are there ever days you don’t want to work out? 

ALL THE TIME. When I roll over in the morning and it’s pitch black outside, I motivate myself by saying that I DESERVE THIS. I owe it to myself to move my body, get my heart rate up and feel that endorphin release for the rest of the day. And once you're done, you never regret it.

Should we work out on vacation? 

YES! Although a vacation is your time to rest and enjoy, unfortunately our bodies quickly adapt. Once you settle into a non-workout routine, it is harder to jump start again. And note that when you're on vacation your nutrition is not the priority, so trying to stay on top of your caloric intake is always a great idea.

What’s your definition of working out?

Working out looks different for everyone! As long as you're moving and getting your heart rate up, you are working out. Also, you don’t have to kill yourself every time you hit the gym. The amount of soreness you have does not determine how hard you worked that day. IT IS ALL ABOUT CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY & CONSISTENCY! Get enough sleep and maintain a healthy well-balanced diet coupled with consistent workouts and you will feel the results. 

Mary Boccia

Personal Trainer


Control & Release