Shocking Mom Confessions

The story goes a little something like this. I conducted an undercover interview of 10 moms. They promised me unfiltered honesty and I promised them anonymity. What I asked of them was nothing short of the shocking truth!

I mean helloooo…wouldn’t you want to take a peak into the twisted labyrinth of a mom’s mind? What they gave me was their shocking reality and the realization that in the end we all share a collective yearning to survive motherhood.

Time to spill the beans on what I found out from these incognito ladies… 

1)    I sent my kid to school with pink eye and pretended it was allergies.

2)    I accidentally forgot to put the stroller lock on while I was loading groceries and the stroller rolled down a steep hill into traffic … luckily I ran for my life and caught the stroller midway.

3)    I pull their earlobes in private when they talk back.

4)    When they refuse to go to sleep, I tell my kids that a pack of wolverines will come and take them away…and then I howl. Haha

5)    I hate playing with my kids.

6)    When I’m desperate for my twins to stop fighting, I google images of random orphanages and make them sit through a slideshow of their potential future. 

7)    I drink Baileys on a daily and pretend its coffee.

8)    I secretly despise the moms of my kids’ friends.

9)    I made my 8-year-old falsely believe he was being sent to a boarding school for misbehavior by having him pack his own luggage and stand outside on our street for an hour to wait for the imaginary “bus”.

10) Sometimes I lie to the grandparents and tell them we have an event to go to for free babysitting just so I can sit at home alone.  

The most shocking part of these shocking confessions is that they are pretty darn relatable! Share an anonymous confession on my blog!


Gen Z'ers in Daaa House