Gen Z'ers in Daaa House 

Let’s get to know the next generation!

I’m taking inventory, people …. of the Gen Z’ers.Who are they? There might be one lurking in your house inside a room that smells like a possum died. Or you might be sitting in a classroom with a bunch of them like me! They’re born between 1997-2012 and currently 11-26 years old.

How many are there?

There’s 70 million of them! Yowzers! Should we be scared? Worried? Hopeful? Excited? Let’s first get down to the nitty gritty and take a peak into their generational DNA. What kind of world were they born into? Ones with i-phones literally in their faces as soon as they popped out of mama. They are the first true “digital natives”, having never existed in a non-connected world.

What’s their average attention span?

And holy moly, guacamole … their average attention span is only 8 seconds. So if you’ve got something to say to them, you better get to the point … PRONTO! Their eye contact is at a bare minimum yet their essence is in the right place. Kind, compassionate and empathic beyond belief, these Gen Z’ers have brought us closer to a more inclusive world.

What’s their outlook on life?

After sitting in a classroom with 25 Gen Z’ers, here’s what I learned about these fabulous, corky and not so dorky population:

1. They don’t sweat the small stuff;

2. They don’t choose traditionally practical careers – their focus is on reliable income which oftentimes means less school;

3. They aren’t keen on accumulating student debt – which is why community colleges are bursting at the seams with a larger application pool;

4. They’re unamused by popular opinion;

5. They demand that their parents justify and explain their decision-making process to them;

6. They demand that adults seriously consider their feedback.

The takeaway here is…we can learn a thing or two from a group who knows how to settle into their own eclectic vibe and can welcome confusion without shame. Their only downfall is …they’ve never heard of Leonardo DiCaprio!

Written by: Mary Terterov

Works Referenced:

Carlon, Katharine. “Who Is Generation Z?” Corridor Business Journal, vol. 14, no. 41, Apr. 2018, pp. 3–9. EBSCOhost,


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